Browsing Brage HiM by Title
Now showing items 1908-1927 of 2895
Object Detection with HoloLens 2 using Mixed Reality and Unity a proof-of-concept
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Observasjonsbasert smertekartlegging hos pasienter med nedsatt kommunikasjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2015) -
Offensive and defensive plus-minus player ratings for soccer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Rating systems play an important part in professional sports, for example, as a source of entertainment for fans, by influencing decisions regarding tournament seedings, by acting as qualification criteria, or as decision ... -
Offentlige anskaffelser og håndtering av anbud
(Bachelor thesis, 2009) -
Offshoring og reshoring - en studie av endringer i strategiske drivere for perioden 1999-2012
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Oilfield development and operations planning under geophysical uncertainty
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The oil and gas industry nowadays is challenged by dealing with nonconventional reserves and offshore environments. Decision-making associated with projects in the petroleum sector has to handle various technological issues, ... -
Om frafall i ungdomsfotball
(Bachelor thesis, 2016) -
Om New Public Management i tjenestetilbudet til mennesker med utviklingshemning
(Bachelor thesis, 2017) -
Om verdien av kunst, kultur og miljø
(Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2022:2, Working paper, 2022) -
Omdømme vs. utdanning - et studie av tippeligatrenernes kompetanse de siste ti år
(Bachelor thesis, 2014) -
Omni Channel: New Business Models and New Channels
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Omorganisering i offentlig sektor. Case: Helsestasjonen i Molde
(Master thesis, 2014) -
Omsorg til KOLS-pasienter i palliativ fase på sykehjem
(Student paper, others, 2020) -
Omsorgsfull og forsvarlig legemiddelhåndtering til eldre : sykepleierens omsorg for eldre i hjemmetjenesten som har behov for hjelp med sine medisiner
(Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2018:5, Working paper, 2018) -
Omsorgssvikt - Hvor mye er for mye?
(Bachelor thesis, 2016) -
On complexity, ecosystems, and sustainability in local food supply : a case study on fresh seafood supply
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The research question considers how local foods as networked food production may be studied from an ecosystem’s perspective, being explicitly sensitive to process complexity. This implies integrating complex-process thinking ... -
On people and complexity in healthcare service supply
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Healthcare logistics is treated as a fundamentally emergent complex system primarily because a broad range of stakeholders are included. The patient is the primary “customer” of the service producers in the supply chain, ... -
On routing and safety using helicopters in a hub and spoke fashion in the off-shore petroleum's industry
(Arbeidsnotat;2012:5, Working paper, 2012) -
On the Estimation of Extreme Values for Risk Assessment and Management: The ACER Method
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)In this paper we use an Average Conditional Exceedance Rate (ACER) method to model the tail of the price change distribution of daily spot prices in the Nordic electricity market, Nord Pool Spot. We use an AR-GARCH model ...