Browsing Brage HiM by Title
Now showing items 1450-1469 of 2899
Investigation of the influence of product variety on inventories in hospitals
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The literature on product variety provides great insights into various businesses. However, little research has been conducted on product variety in the healthcare industry. This study aims to explore the influence of ... -
IoT platform for seafood farmers and consumers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)There has been a strong growth in aquatic products supported by the global seafood industry. Consumers demand information transparency to support informed decisions and to verify nutrition, food safety, and sustainable ... -
Is the lecture dead?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Today, technology such as the Internet and automated digital video cameras offers the possibility of using new methods for teaching. We see that massive online open courses (MOOCs) and the idea of a “flipped classroom” are ... -
Is there an association between salivary cortisol and dropping out of inpatient substance addiction treatments? : a prospective repeated measures study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Several studies have found an association between salivary cortisol levels and dropping out of inpatient substance addiction treatment programs. The results are mixed due to variations in the study design and the lack of ... -
Israel og de okkuperte palestinske områdene; hafrada eller apartheid?
(Bachelor thesis, 2015) -
‘It’s my home and your work’ : the views of a filmed vignette describing a challenging everyday situation from the perspective of people with intellectual disabilities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Purpose: Examining everyday challenges in the interactions between people with intellectual disabilities and their staff, as seen from the user’s perspective, is an important perspective in health care research. Involving ... -
Ivaretakelse av pårørende til pasienter som mottar palliativ omsorg
(Student paper, others, 2016) -
Ivaretakelse av selvbestemmelse og menneskerettigheter gjennom vernepleierfaglig arbeid
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
The Janus-faced relationship value of professional sports clubs : a study of Molde Football Club, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Professional sport clubs can be analyzed according to the extent their offers affect the community and the individual. The “use value” takes into account the individual benefits of watching a sporting competition, whereas ... -
"Jeg blir meg i møte med deg" - om trygg tilknytning i barnehagen
(Student paper, others, 2016) -
Jeg deltar, altså er jeg: Inkludering og deltakelse på skolen for barn med særskilte behov
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
«Jeg vil for f* ikke legges inn» – personsentrert perspektiv i forhold til sinne og aggresjon
(Student paper, others, 2022) -
Jeg vil ikke dø men orker ikke å leve lenger.
(Student paper, others, 2020) -
"Jeg ønsker å lese bedre!" : intensiv leseopplæring for en elev med ADHD
(Arbeidsnotat;2015:3, Working paper, 2015)Studien redegjør for et 10 ukers individuelt tilpasset leseopplæringsprogram, med bruk av positiv miljøtilrettelegging og systematisk lydering som metode for en 8 år gammel elev med Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ... -
Jentebevisst byplanlegging – aktivitet, inkludering og trygghet i byrommet
(Chapter, 2021)Formålet med dette kapittelet er å diskutere unge jenters forutsetninger for aktivitet og trygghet i byrommet. Studier av uorganisert fysisk aktivitet og aktivitetsparker i byrom indikerer at disse i størst grad anvendes ... -
Jenter med ADHD i skolen
(Bachelor thesis, 2015) -
Jobbsjansen Del A for hjemmeværende innvandrerkvinner
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)