Browsing Brage HiM by Title
Now showing items 1908-1927 of 2898
Nærhet og avstand : spenningen mellom internasjonalisering og regional forankring i maritim industri
(Chapter, 2018)Artikkelen bruker dimensjoner av nærhet som analytisk verktøy for å forstå hvordan strukturelle endringer i maritim bransje påvirker innovasjonsarbeidet. Tilgang til problemdefinisjon blir identifisert som viktig for å ... -
Object Detection with HoloLens 2 using Mixed Reality and Unity a proof-of-concept
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Observasjonsbasert smertekartlegging hos pasienter med nedsatt kommunikasjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2015) -
Offensive and defensive plus-minus player ratings for soccer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Rating systems play an important part in professional sports, for example, as a source of entertainment for fans, by influencing decisions regarding tournament seedings, by acting as qualification criteria, or as decision ... -
Offentlige anskaffelser og håndtering av anbud
(Bachelor thesis, 2009) -
Offshoring og reshoring - en studie av endringer i strategiske drivere for perioden 1999-2012
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Oilfield development and operations planning under geophysical uncertainty
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The oil and gas industry nowadays is challenged by dealing with nonconventional reserves and offshore environments. Decision-making associated with projects in the petroleum sector has to handle various technological issues, ... -
Om frafall i ungdomsfotball
(Bachelor thesis, 2016) -
Om New Public Management i tjenestetilbudet til mennesker med utviklingshemning
(Bachelor thesis, 2017) -
Om verdien av kunst, kultur og miljø
(Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2022:2, Working paper, 2022) -
Omdømme vs. utdanning - et studie av tippeligatrenernes kompetanse de siste ti år
(Bachelor thesis, 2014) -
Omni Channel: New Business Models and New Channels
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Omorganisering i offentlig sektor. Case: Helsestasjonen i Molde
(Master thesis, 2014) -
Omsorg til KOLS-pasienter i palliativ fase på sykehjem
(Student paper, others, 2020) -
Omsorgsfull og forsvarlig legemiddelhåndtering til eldre : sykepleierens omsorg for eldre i hjemmetjenesten som har behov for hjelp med sine medisiner
(Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2018:5, Working paper, 2018) -
Omsorgssvikt - Hvor mye er for mye?
(Bachelor thesis, 2016) -
On complexity, ecosystems, and sustainability in local food supply : a case study on fresh seafood supply
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The research question considers how local foods as networked food production may be studied from an ecosystem’s perspective, being explicitly sensitive to process complexity. This implies integrating complex-process thinking ... -
On people and complexity in healthcare service supply
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Healthcare logistics is treated as a fundamentally emergent complex system primarily because a broad range of stakeholders are included. The patient is the primary “customer” of the service producers in the supply chain, ... -
On routing and safety using helicopters in a hub and spoke fashion in the off-shore petroleum's industry
(Arbeidsnotat;2012:5, Working paper, 2012)