Browsing Brage HiM by Title
Now showing items 1928-1947 of 2899
On routing and safety using helicopters in a hub and spoke fashion in the off-shore petroleum's industry
(Arbeidsnotat;2012:5, Working paper, 2012) -
On the Estimation of Extreme Values for Risk Assessment and Management: The ACER Method
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)In this paper we use an Average Conditional Exceedance Rate (ACER) method to model the tail of the price change distribution of daily spot prices in the Nordic electricity market, Nord Pool Spot. We use an AR-GARCH model ... -
On the relationship between +/- ratings and event-level performance statistics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This work considers the challenge of identifying and properly assessing the contribution of a single player towards the performance of a team. In particular, we study the use of advanced plus-minus ratings for individual ... -
On the shelf availability in food based discount stores Molde Grocery environment
(Master thesis, 2009) -
On track towards improved regional development? : impacts of the Svealand rail line on labour earnings in the Mälaren region
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper studies the impacts on productivity following an investment in regional high-speed rail in the Mälaren region in Sweden. It uses wage earnings as a measure of productivity and proposes to capture agglomeration ... -
On-demand logistics : solutions, barriers, and enablers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The urban freight sector provides an essential service by delivering goods that are required by shops, companies, and households at a specific place and time. However, the growth of e-commerce and the dawn of on-demand ... -
Open Access - for science and teaching
(Lecture, 2013-01-04) -
Operasjonsforløp i kirurgisk divisjon : Sykehuset Østfold - forprosjekt. Kommentarutgave
(Arbeidsnotat;2012:3, Working paper, 2012) -
Operational planning and control in eto-companies: thoughts on improving of existing performance measurement practices in the industry 4.0 context
(Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2017:3, Working paper, 2017) -
Operational Supply Vessel Planning with Varying Demands from Installations
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Oppfølging av slagrammede sett i lys av kommunestørrelse, samhandlingsreform og helsetilstand
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Oppkjøp og integrasjon - Går det an å kjøpe seg til kunnskap?
(Master thesis, 2014) -
Opplevelse av egen helse, omsorgsbyrder og mestring hos pårørende til hjemmeboende personer med demens
(Student paper, others, 2014) -
Opplevelsen av multippel sklerose
(Bachelor thesis, 2016) -
Opplevelser av smertebehandling hos eldre pasienter som er operert for lårhalsbrudd
(Master thesis, 2014) -
Opplevelser av vernepleierens kompetanse, rolle og oppgaver i skolesystemet
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Opplever MFKs ungdomsavdelinger frafall som et problem, og hva gjør de i så fall mot dette?
(Bachelor thesis, 2014) -
Oppmerksomt nærvær : studentenes forståelse av relasjonskompetanse etter endt videreutdanning i psykisk helsearbeid, en hermeneutisk studie
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Relasjonskompetanse innen psykisk helsearbeid har betydning for menneskers håp og livsmuligheter ved kriser og psykisk uhelse. Hensikten med studien er å utdype studentenes beskrivelse og forståelse av relasjonskompetanse ...