Blar i Brage HiM på tittel
Viser treff 1984-2003 av 2898
Owners influence on sporting matters - a case study on a Norwegian football club
(Bachelor thesis, 2017) -
A painful experience of limited understanding : healthcare professionals’ experiences with palliative care of people with severe dementia in Norwegian nursing homes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Background: People dying with dementia have significant healthcare needs, and palliative care, with its focus on comfort and quality of life, should be made available to these patients. The aim of this study was to explore ... -
A paired learner-based approach for concept drift detection and adaptation in software defect prediction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The early and accurate prediction of defects helps in testing software and therefore leads to an overall higher-quality product. Due to drift in software defect data, prediction model performances may degrade over time. ... -
Palliasjon i hjemmet - en prosjektplan
(Student paper, others, 2020) -
Palliasjon til pasienter med kreft som ønsker å dø hjemme
(Bachelor thesis, 2010) -
Palliasjon til pasienter med langtkommet hjertesvikt
(Bachelor thesis, 2009) -
Palliativ omsorg i sykehjem - Helsepersonell sin erfaring
(Student paper, others, 2016) -
Palliativ omsorg til barn med kreft i hjemmet
(Bachelor thesis, 2014) -
Palliativ omsorg til hjemmeboende pasienter med kreft
(Student paper, others, 2016) -
Palliativ omsorg til mennesker med alvorlig demens
(Bachelor thesis, 2016) -
Palliativ pleie til hjemmeboende kreftpasienter
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Palliativ sykepleie
(Bachelor thesis, 2018) -
Palliativ sykepleie til pasienter rammet av uhelbredelig kreftsykdom
(Bachelor thesis, 2009) -
Pandemic-induced constraints on rapid transformation to digital education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Once the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, many countries abruptly established a lock down requiring their populations to stay home to avoid any contact with others to stop the spread of ... -
Parents’ and nurses’ ideal collaboration in treatment-centered and home-like care of hospitalized preschool children : a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: The hospitalization of children requires collaboration between parents and nurses in partnerships. This study examines parents’ and nurses’ experiences of ideal collaboration in treatment-centered and home-like ... -
Parets opplevelse med ufrivillig barnløshet
(Bachelor thesis, 2017) -
Partnere som pårørende til unge med demens
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Partnership or franchising to improve bus services in two major English urban regions? An institutional analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Abstract This paper analyses two differing approaches to the improvement of local bus services, using the analytical lens of formal and informal institutions. Both formal and informal institutions govern the behaviour of ... -
Pasient-pleier-relasjonen i kampen mot spiseforstyrrelser
(Bachelor thesis, 2014) -
Pasienten i overgang mellom spesialist- og kommunehelsetjenesten. En prosjektplan.
(Student paper, others, 2018)