Browsing Brage HiM by Title
Now showing items 2150-2169 of 2899
Psykisk utviklingshemmede og seksuelle overgrep
(Bachelor thesis, 2018) -
Psykisk utviklingshemming og alternativ supplerende kommunikasjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Psykisk utviklingshemming og psykiske lidingar
(Bachelor thesis, 2020) -
Psykiske lidelser og eldre
(Bachelor thesis, 2012) -
Psykiske plager hos ungdom
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Psykologiske- og livskvalitetsfaktorer assosiert med urolig søvn hos eldre
(Master thesis, 2010) -
Det psykososiale arbeidsmiljøet med fokus på nærvær
(Bachelor thesis, 2011) -
Psykososiale behandlingsformer for mennesker med utviklingshemming og psykiske lidelser
(Bachelor thesis, 2017) -
Psykososiale behov blant innlagte barn med kreft
(Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Psykososiale behov til barn med kreft
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Psykososialt arbeid med einslege mindreårige flyktningar
(Student paper, others, 2020) -
Public administrators’ roles in the policy adaptation of transport directives : how knowledge is created and reproduced
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The European Union (EU), as well as many national governments, has adopted directives intended to reduce the environmental impact of transport. For example, the EU’s clean fuel strategy requires Member States to develop ... -
Public procurement measuring
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Public procurement reforms in Ghana : an evaluation of the implemented changes
(Master thesis, 2008) -
Public transport-based crowdshipping for sustainable city logistics : assessing economic and environmental impacts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper aims at understanding and evaluating the environmental and economic impacts of a crowdshipping platform in urban areas. The investigation refers to the city of Rome and considers an environmental-friendly ... -
Publikumskoden; hvordan kan Vålerenga mobilisere Oslo?
(Bachelor thesis, 2014)