Blar i Brage HiM på tittel
Viser treff 2170-2189 av 2898
Purchasing and cost overruns in ETO projects
(Master thesis, 2020) -
The quality and quantity of staff-patient interactions as recorded by staff : a registry study of nursing documentation in two inpatient mental health wards
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Therapeutic staff-patient interaction is fundamental in psychiatric care. It is recognized as a key to healing in and of itself, or a premise to enhance psychiatric treatment adherence. Still, little is known ... -
Quantity-predictive vehicle routing problem for smart waste collection
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The current trends in the field of waste management involves the use of modern technologies such as wireless sensors. The smart waste management with Sensor Technology involves an integration of the so-called smart trash ... -
A Q‐methodology study of the type of support mentors need when assessing underperforming nursing students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aims To identify and describe patterns of the shared viewpoints of nurse mentors about the support obtained from link lecturer in assessing underperforming students. Design Non‐experimental, exploratory research design. ... -
RadPathFinder: An application for finding optimal paths in a radiation environment
(Master thesis, 2022) -
Rapporteringer av miljøterapeutiske interaksjoner i sykepleiedokumentasjon. En «mixed methods» studie i psykisk helsevern
(Ph.d.-avhandlinger i helse- og sosialfag;2020:1, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
Reallocation of seafood freight flows from road to sea
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Reallocation of seafood freight flows from road to sea
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Recoloring subgraphs of K2n for sports scheduling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The exploration of one-factorizations of complete graphs is the foundation of some classical sports scheduling problems. One has to traverse the landscape of such one-factorizations by moving from one of those to a so-called ... -
Recovery-orientert omsorg - gjennom utvikling og utfordringer
(Master thesis, 2018) -
Recruitment of research participants with intellectual disability in a Norwegian context - a response to Williams
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Williams’s paper discusses a very important topic for researchers that want to include the voices of people with intellectual disability (ID): how to get in touch with possible participants. When I was asked to give a ... -
Redegjørelse for bruk av 25,25 transportvogntog i Nordland og Västerbotten : økonomiske og miljømessige konsekvenser
(Arbeidsnotat;2012:6, Working paper, 2012) -
Rederienes hevn - Containerkrise og skyhøye priser under Covid-19
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Reducing dependency on special transport services through public transport
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)One of the official transport policy objectives in Sweden is that all citizens should have access to the transport system. The public sector is therefore required by law to provide special transport services (STS) for those ... -
Redusering av selvskading i akutt psykiatrisk enhet ved bruk av dialektisk adferdsterapi og andre kognitive teknikker
(Student paper, others, 2012) -
Reflections on design of active learning module for training emergency management professionals in virtual reality
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Experiences gained through learning design projects can be used as the basis to build systematic knowledge of digitization and active leaning in higher education. One such project funded by the Norwegian Agency for Digital ... -
Reflections on lessons learned and future directions : a succinct epilogue
(Chapter, 2023)Upon completing this exploration journey through the pages of this book, we are left with a profound realization of the immense work that still needs to be undertaken to address the critical role of supply chain management ... -
Regional aviation and the PSO system : Level of Service and social efficiency
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The variation in Level of Service (LOS) and the objective of the Public Service Obligation (PSO) system raises the need for a method for determining the LOS based on social efficiency measures. Such a method is developed ...