Browsing Brage HiM by Title
Now showing items 2210-2229 of 2898
Relationship between air transport and tourism : a case study of Nepal
(Master thesis, 2009) -
Relationship between air transport and tourism in Norway
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Relativ alderseffekt - en studie av unge talenter i Akerakademiet
(Bachelor thesis, 2013) -
Relativ alderseffekt i Golden Boy Award
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Reliability of forearm oxygen uptake during handgrip exercise : assessment by ultrasonography and venous blood gas
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Assessment of forearm oxygen uptake (O2) during handgrip exercise is a keenly investigated concept for observing small muscle mass metabolism. Although a combination of Doppler ultrasound measurements of brachial artery ... -
Repetisjon - en strategi for å opprettholde gode levevaner for personer med diabetes type 2
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Den kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenesten er i en oppbyggingsfase i etablering av Startkurs. Startkurs er gruppebasert opplæring for personer med diabetes type 2. Hensikten med denne studien er å belyse hvilken betydning ... -
Replicating Prospect Theory at Molde University College with focus on Gender and Field of study
(Master thesis, 2023) -
RescUSim and IPython : an environment for offshore emergency preparedness planning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Emergency preparedness is crucial for oil and gas operators. While accidents in this industry are commonly connected to oil spill disasters, helicopter accidents are, in terms of incidence rates, a more grave concern in ... -
Research on logistics outsourcing of enterprises in China
(Master thesis, 2011) -
Research quality and psychological theory in publications on school shooters with multiple victims : a systematic review of the literature
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)School shooting homicide events generate considerable attention. A substantial number of research reports have tried to explain the phenomenon. However, the outcome of these studies has produced a conflicting picture of ... -
Resilience and related variety : the role of family firms in an ocean-related Norwegian region
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Recent research in economic geography has introduced two notions that historical studies should explore: regional resilience and related variety. Regional resilience refers to a region’s ability to recover from external ... -
Resiliens og vernepleiefaglig arbeid med sårbare barn
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Resource efficiency within the outpatient clinic
(Master thesis, 2018) -
Respekten for mennesket : et paradigmeskifte i forskningsetikk innen medisinsk- og helsfaglig forskning
(Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2018:1, Working paper, 2018) -
Ressursutnyttelse - et sentralt tema for fremtiden!
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)