Browsing Brage HiM by Title
Now showing items 2848-2867 of 2899
When is short sea shipping environmentally competitive?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2012-02-03) -
Which factors are determining the Norsk ToppFotball clubs' environmental status today?
(Master thesis, 2014) -
Who are the real top scorers : algorithmically resorting a top scorer list by a limited set of preference assumptions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article presents an algorithm, which by taking both goals scored as well as matches played into account, is meant to provide \more sensible" top scorer lists in football. The algorithm computes Upper Hulls recursively ... -
Who is doing what in home care services?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: This paper investigates the distribution of work hours by activity, for the main staff categories in home care services in three rural Norwegian municipalities. In Norway these categories are registered nurses, ... -
Why do certain Norwegian sport clubs succeed in regularly developing elite athletes?
(Master thesis, 2021) -
Why is there so few female managers in the administration of top football in Norway?
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Women's experiences when unsure about whether or not to have an abortion in the first trimester
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Abortion during the first trimester is legal in most Western countries. However, deciding to terminate a pregnancy is a challenging process, and some women arrive at the abortion clinic still not absolutely certain. We ... -
Work interruption as a source of knowledge when nurses administer medicines in nursing homes : hermeneutic approach to narratives
(Chapter, 2022)Nurses administer medicines amidst constant interruptions. They must simultaneously perform other tasks, such as direct patient care or addressing system failures. However, there is a lack of research relating to nurses’ ... -
Working in a minefield; Nurses’ strategies for handling medicine administration interruptions in hospitals, -a qualtiative interview study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Administering medicines is one of the most high-risk tasks in health care. However, nurses are frequently interrupted during medicine administration, which jeopardises patient safety. Few studies have examined ... -
X2X : A new conceptual solution on the edge of information systems and supply chain management
(Master thesis, 2011) -
XL-BYGG - en casestudie av byggevarekjeden XL-BYGG
(Master thesis, 2014) -
Yamal LNG Project: searching for optimal number of carriers
(Master thesis, 2017) -
Yte eller nyte? - En bacheloroppgave om borgerlønn
(Bachelor thesis, 2019) -
Å forberede seg til døden. Hva tenker sykepleiere om forberedene samtaler og palliativ plan? En prosjektplan
(Student paper, others, 2016) -
Å gå sammen i mørket: Hvilken betydning har god relasjon og empati i møte med suicidale pasienter i døgnavdeling?
(Student paper, others, 2018) -
Å leve hele livet
(Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Å leve med ALS i familien
(Student paper, others, 2018) -
Å leve med alvorlig kols i hjemmet
(Student paper, others, 2014) -
Å leve med diabetes med type 2
(Bachelor thesis, 2011)