Blar i Brage HiM på forfatter "Hansson, Lisa"
Adapting Accountability and Emerging Challenges: Contracting-out in the Transport Sector in Switzerland, Norway and Sweden
Lieberherr, Eva; Hansson, Lisa; Leiren, Merethe Dotterud; Schmid, Jonas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Government reforms such as contracting-out continue to influence public service provision within infrastructure sectors. Contracting-out involves a detachment of the operators from political decision-making and the creation ... -
Assessing the possibilities of cost reduction of international transportation. A case study of Norwegian Icons AS
Bezzaz, Saad Eddine; Adarkwa, Junior Bright (Master thesis, 2019) -
Bærekraftig byutvikling og teknologiske løsninger - en studie av Trondheim kommune sine planer for transport
Vågsæter, Stine Mordal (Master thesis, 2018) -
Digital twins : a critical discussion on their potential for supporting policy‐making and planning in urban logistics
Marcucci, Edoardo; Gatta, Valerio; Le Pira, Michela; Hansson, Lisa; Bråthen, Svein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Poor logistics efficiency, due to low load factors caused by high demand fragmentation, will have relevant negative consequences for cities in terms of pollution, congestion and overall city liveability. Policy-makers ... -
How planners' use and non-use of expert knowledge affect the goal achievement potential of plans : Experiences from strategic land-use and transport planning processes in three Scandinavian cities
Tennøy, Aud; Hansson, Lisa; Lissandrello, Enza; Næss, Petter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This article addresses the question of how planners’ use and non-use of expert knowledge affect the content and goal achievement potential of plans, and discusses how changes in planners’ and researchers’ practices can ... -
Implementering av digitale løsninger i kommunal sektor - SvarUt
Oterhals, Remi André Na (Master thesis, 2020) -
Jentebevisst byplanlegging – aktivitet, inkludering og trygghet i byrommet
Hansson, Lisa; Straume, Solveig (Chapter, 2021)Formålet med dette kapittelet er å diskutere unge jenters forutsetninger for aktivitet og trygghet i byrommet. Studier av uorganisert fysisk aktivitet og aktivitetsparker i byrom indikerer at disse i størst grad anvendes ... -
Leve hele livet - En kvalitativ casestudie av Oslo, Trondheim og Levanger sine planer for en aldersvennlig by
Opsal, Martine Bjermeland (Master thesis, 2021) -
Providing ’hard’ local government services in a multi-level, multi-actor system
Hansson, Lisa; Torsteinsen, Harald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Public administrators’ roles in the policy adaptation of transport directives : how knowledge is created and reproduced
Hansson, Lisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The European Union (EU), as well as many national governments, has adopted directives intended to reduce the environmental impact of transport. For example, the EU’s clean fuel strategy requires Member States to develop ... -
Reducing dependency on special transport services through public transport
Hansson, Lisa; Holmgren, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)One of the official transport policy objectives in Sweden is that all citizens should have access to the transport system. The public sector is therefore required by law to provide special transport services (STS) for those ... -
Regulatory governance in emerging technologies : the case of autonomous vehicles in Sweden and Norway
Hansson, Lisa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Vehicle producers, universities, and technology companies, among others, are today involved in the development of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Ongoing in several countries are experimental activities in actual traffic ... -
Regulatory measurements in policy coordinated practices : the case of promoting renewable energy and cleaner transport in Sweden
Hansson, Lisa; Nerhagen, Lena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)International organisations, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU), are seeking to implement a cohesive Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) system in order to ... -
Reverse logistics of food waste
Hansen, Dina (Master thesis, 2019) -
Smaller Municipalities Procurement Challenges: A Multiple Case Study
Nygård, Magnus Øvrebust (Master thesis, 2023) -
Smart mobilitet - En casestudie av norske mobilitetsprosjekt
Berro, Federico (Master thesis, 2021) -
Sosial kapital i kommunens møte med flyktninger
Hansson, Lisa; Aarseth, Turid (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2017)Med utgangspunkt i perspektiv på kommunene som mangefasettert organisasjon og teorier om sosial kapital belyser artikkelen kommuners arbeid som vertkommune og bosetter av flyktninger. Empiriske eksempler fra to kommuner ... -
Utforming av enhetlige driftskontrakter i vegsektorens logikkmangfold
Holme, Svein Ludvik (Master thesis, 2020)