Blar i Brage HiM på forfatter "Helgheim, Berit Irene"
Benchmark the efficiency of 15 Norwegian companies regarding their warehouse using Data Envelopment Analysis
Elter, Ann Kristin; Berland, Håkon Stenvik (Master thesis, 2018) -
Bærekraftige anskaffelser i Forsvaret
Olsen, Hanne Kårtveit (Master thesis, 2023) -
A case study to find the cost drivers at inventory in dual channel distribution warehouse
Iqbal, Qamar Bilal (Master thesis, 2020) -
A comparative case study of inbound supply chain risk management (SCRM) in Norwegian manufacturing companies before and after COVID-19
Eikemo, Ingrid Elisabeth Ynnesdal (Master thesis, 2022) -
Data Mining in Health Management
Raeisi, Saeed (Master thesis, 2022) -
The Economic Impact of a Flexible Strategy: A Case Study of a Service Provider to the Oil and Gas industry
Langstein, Bjørn Erik; Berg, Runar (Master thesis, 2022) -
Economic sustainability for local food producers: A case study of Norway
van der Linden, Natasha (Master thesis, 2023) -
An empirical investigation of consumers perception of information availability in fish supply chains in Norway
Botten, Nichlas Huseby (Master thesis, 2023) -
Empirical investigation of the return logistics processes: A case study of Elektroimportøren AS
Hjelt, Sondre Haga; Ramella, Joachim Andres Lie (Master thesis, 2018) -
Essays on factors influencing operating room efficiency
Sandbæk, Birgithe Eckermann (PhD theses in Logistics;2016:3, Doctoral thesis, 2016) -
Etterspørselsprognostisering i Forsvaret: en kvalitativ analyse av Forsvarets evne til generering og prosessering av etterspørselsdata av tilstrekkelig kvalitet for prognostisering av reservedeler
Olsen, Ingrid Ajer; Bøthun, Carina (Master thesis, 2018) -
Examining the robustness of pose estimation (OpenPose) in estimating human posture
Pourghaedi, Shohreh (Master thesis, 2022) -
Home health care staffing, routing, and scheduling problem with multiple shifts and emergency considerations
Algendi, Abdalrahman; Urrutia, Sebastián; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Helgheim, Berit Irene (Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2024:3, Working paper, 2024) -
Hvordan har trygghetsalarmer innvirkning på kapasiteten i hjemmetjenesten?
Kondov, Pauline (Master thesis, 2023) -
The Impact of Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems on Warehouse Operations
Nordeide, Amalie; Rørtveit, Silje (Master thesis, 2021) -
Improving healthcare processes: an empirical study based on orthopaedic care processes
Simwita, Yusta Wilson (PhD thesis in Logistics;2017:3, Doctoral thesis, 2017) -
Improving surgeon utilization in an orthopedic department using simulation modeling
Simwita, Yusta Wilson; Helgheim, Berit Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Purpose: Worldwide more than two billion people lack appropriate access to surgical services due to mismatch between existing human resource and patient demands. Improving utilization of existing workforce capacity can ... -
Innføring av Helseplattformen: Rammeverk for nullpunktsanalyse
Helgheim, Berit Irene; Vik, Erlend (Arbeidsnotat / Working paper;2023:1, Working paper, 2023) -
Operasjonsforløp i kirurgisk divisjon : Sykehuset Østfold - forprosjekt. Kommentarutgave
Helgheim, Berit Irene (Arbeidsnotat;2012:3, Working paper, 2012) -
Redegjørelse for bruk av 25,25 transportvogntog i Nordland og Västerbotten : økonomiske og miljømessige konsekvenser
Helgheim, Berit Irene; Foss, Bjørn (Arbeidsnotat;2012:6, Working paper, 2012)