Blar i Brage HiM på forfatter "Sundal, Hildegunn"
Children's co-determination during challenging procedures : nurses and parents experiences of caring under short-term hospital stays in Norway
Sundal, Hildegunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Medical and clinical procedures can cause varying levels of discomfort to children. Purpose: This study is to deepen the understanding of the lived experiences of parents and nurses related to challenging medical ... -
Exclusion and inclusion of parents of hospitalized children in Norway in the period 1877–2017
Sundal, Hildegunn; Petersen, Karin Anna; Boge, Jeanne Helene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Today, Norwegian parents have the right to stay with their children when they are in hospital. This right is relatively new. The purpose of this article is to examine the nursing profession’s ideas on how parents ... -
Finding ways to carry on : stories of vulnerability in chronic illness
Synnes, Oddgeir; Orøy, Aud Jorun; Råheim, Målfrid; Bachmann, Liv; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg; Gjengedal, Eva; Høie, Magnhild; Jørgensen, Else; Michaelsen, Ragnhild Karen Astad; Sundal, Hildegunn; Vatne, Solfrid; Lykkeslet, Else (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: In this study, we explore the lived experiences of chronic illness in four groups of patients; children with asthma, adolescents with diabetes, young adults with depression, and adult patients with chronic, ... -
Forhåndssamtaler til pasienter med demens i sykehjem - en fenomenologisk studie
Nilsen, Mari Ann Sandberg (Master thesis, 2023) -
Intensivsykepleierens erfaringer med inhalasjonssedering til respiratorpasienter i intensivavdelingen
Orseth, Wenche (Master thesis, 2020) -
Intensivsykepleiernes erfaringer med teoretisk og praktisk opplæring for å gjennomføre inhalasjonssedering til respiratorpasienter i intensivavdelingen
Orseth, Wenche; Sundal, Hildegunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Bakgrunn: Intensivpasienter som ligger på respirator kan ha behov for sedering. De mest brukte medikamentene kan føre til komplikasjoner som delir og forlenget tid på respirator. I 2005 kom det et nytt filter som kan ... -
Parents’ and nurses’ ideal collaboration in treatment-centered and home-like care of hospitalized preschool children : a qualitative study
Sundal, Hildegunn; Vatne, Solfrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: The hospitalization of children requires collaboration between parents and nurses in partnerships. This study examines parents’ and nurses’ experiences of ideal collaboration in treatment-centered and home-like ...