• Cost analysis of day care centres in Norway 

      Vossius, Corinna Elisabeth; Selbæk, Geir; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Wimo, A.; Engedal, Knut; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background: Day care services aim to offer meaningful activities and a safe environment for the attendees and a respite for family caregivers while being cost effective. This study compares the use of formal and informal ...
    • Counting research ⇒ directing research : the hazard of using simple metrics to evaluate scientific contributions : an EU experience 

      Olsen, Kai A.; Malizia, Alessio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      In many EU countries there is a requirement to count research, i.e., to measure and prove its value. These numbers, often produced automatically based on the impact of journals, are used to rank universities, to determine ...
    • Covariance estimation using high-frequency data : an analysis of Nord Pool electricity forward data 

      Lien, Gudbrand; Haugom, Erik; Westgaard, Sjur; Solibakke, Per Bjarte (Journal article, 2012)
      The modeling of volatility and correlation is important in order to calculate hedge ratios, value at risk estimates, CAPM betas, derivate pricing and risk management in general. Recent access to intra-daily high-frequency ...
    • COVID-19 and soccer teams on Instagram : the case of corporate social responsibility 

      López-Carril, Samuel; Anagnostopoulos, Christos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      COVID-19 has given greater importance to the role of social media in sport, making it an essential way for fans to stay “in touch” with their teams. At the same time, the pandemic triggered additional actions from sport ...
    • The COVID-19 pandemic as experienced by the spouses of home-dwelling people with dementia : a qualitative study 

      Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork; Røsvik, Janne-Kathrin; Fossberg, Marit; Eriksen, Siren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background Worldwide, restrictive measures have been taken to manage the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing and self-isolation have considerably affected the lives of people with dementia and their informal ...
    • The creation of meaning : intensive care nurses’ experiences of conducting nurse-led follow-up on intensive care units 

      Flinterud, Stine Irene; Moi, Asgjerd Litleré; Gjengedal, Eva; Grenager, Lisbet Narvestad; Muri, Anne-Kristine; Ellingsen, Sidsel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Objective To explore and describe the experiences of Norwegian intensive care unit nurses providing nurse-led follow-up to patients and their families. Design and methods The study had a qualitative design with a ...
    • Critical success factors for ERP consultancies : a case study 

      Jæger, Bjørn; Bruckenberger, Sophie A.; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      ERP implementation is a complex and expensive project for organisations because it touches upon social, behavioural and technical issues. This article presents an in-depth case study of an ERP consultancy in order to ...
    • Cybersecurity enterprises policies : a comparative study 

      Mishra, Alok; Alzoubi, Yehia Ibrahim; Gill, Asif Qumer; Anwar, Memoona Javeria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Cybersecurity is a critical issue that must be prioritized not just by enterprises of all kinds, but also by national security. To safeguard an organization’s cyberenvironments, information, and communication technologies, ...
    • Dairy farm management information systems 

      Kassahun, Ayalew; Bloo, Robbin; Catal, Cagatay; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Nowadays, different types of farm management information systems (FMIS) are being used in practice in several sectors of farming, such as dairy, arable, fruits, vegetables, and meat farming. The goal of this research is ...
    • Decision support for allocating farmed fish to customer orders using a bi-objective optimization model 

      Knudseth, Sunniva Haukvik; Molland, Even; Hoff, Arild; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Oppen, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Aquaculture is an important industry in certain coastal areas. Focusing on farming of salmon and trout, an operational planning problem arises with the goal of allocating supply of fish to demand expressed through customer ...
    • Decision support for flexible liner shipping 

      Oppen, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      We present a transportation problem representing a combination of liner and tramp shipping, where using other modes of transportation is also an option. As an example, we consider transportation of palletized frozen fish ...
    • Deep Learning-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) : applications for medical image datasets 

      Kadhim, Yezi Ali; Kahn, Muhammad Umer; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has proved to be an effective and accurate method for diagnostic prediction over the years. This article focuses on the development of an automated CAD system with the intent to perform ...
    • Deep learning-based defect prediction for mobile applications 

      Jorayeva, Manzura; Akbulut, Akhan; Catal, Cagatay; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Smartphones have enabled the widespread use of mobile applications. However, there are unrecognized defects of mobile applications that can affect businesses due to a negative user experience. To avoid this, the defects ...
    • Delayed improvement local search 

      Amaral, Heber F.; Urrutia, Sebastián; Hvattum, Lars Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Local search is a fundamental tool in the development of heuristic algorithms. A neighborhood operator takes a current solution and returns a set of similar solutions, denoted as neighbors. In best improvement local search, ...
    • Den kvalitative psykologiens kraft til å forstyrre fenomenene 

      Hogstad, Ingrid Johnsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Psykologisk forskning på mennesket tilbyr selvforståelser som kan fungere selvoppfyllende og dermed være med å (re)produsere de psykologiske fenomenene vi forsker på. Kunnskapsproduksjonen har helt reelle konsekvenser for ...
    • Deployment optimization algorithms in wireless sensor networks for smart cities : a systematic mapping study 

      Abdulwahid, Huda M.; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      In recent years, different types of monitoring systems have been designed for various applications, in order to turn the urban environments into smart cities. Most of these systems consist of wireless sensor networks (WSN)s, ...
    • Design patterns discovery in source code : novel technique using substring match 

      Pande, Akshara; Pant, Vivekanand; Gupta, Manjari; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The role of design pattern mining is a very significant strategy of re-engineering as with the help of detection one could easily understand complex systems. Of course, identifying a design pattern is not always a simple ...
    • Designing interfaces for creative learning environments using the Transreality Storyboarding Framework 

      Rasool, Jazz; Molka-Danielsen, Judith; Smith, Carl H. (Chapter, 2020)
      Modern creatives, producing different media within multiple mediums, could benefit from transmedia-based methodologies that ensure core standards in effective interface design and storyboarding adopted in the production ...
    • Det regionale i det internasjonale : en internasjonaliseringsstrategi for høyskolene på Vestlandet 

      Olsen, Kai (Chapter, 2018)
      Fra å starte som rene undervisningsinstitusjoner har høyskolene nå fått krav om å være relevante i en forskningssammenheng. Spørsmålet er da – hvordan kan små institusjoner i utkanten av verden operere internasjonalt? Mitt ...
    • Det vanskelige bærekraftsbegrepet 

      Hogset, Heidi; Alteren, Johanne; Jæger, Bjørn; Straume, Solveig (Chapter, 2022)