Høgskolen i Molde
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Nye registreringer
Optimizing a Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Deep Reinforcement Learning: Analyzing State-Space Components
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: The dynamic vehicle routing problem (DVRP) is a complex optimization problem that is crucial for applications such as last-mile delivery. Our goal is to develop an application that can make real-time decisions ... -
The association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and psoriasis in a large population-based cohort: a cross-sectional analysis of The Tromsø Study 2015–16
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Case–control studies indicate an association between lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and psoriasis. Data from larger population-based cohorts including mild cases are sparse. Objectives To ... -
The impact of infrastructure investment on migration from rural islands
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper explores the impact of infrastructure investment on migration from rural areas, where the population size in many cases is falling. To explore this, we examine eight rural islands where bridges and tunnels (fixed ... -
Spatial aggregation error and agglomeration benefits from transport improvements
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Aggregating data to other spatial resolutions can result in spatial aggregation errors, which can affect the data and subsequent analyses. This paper investigates the nature of spatial aggregation errors in the calculation ... -
Sustainable food consumption: An empirical study of consumer behaviour
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Barn og unges erfaringer med alvorlig syk forelder
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Barns erfaringer som pårørende til foreldre med kreft
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Kan personsentrert tilnærming bidra til at personer med demens får en bedre hverdag?
(Student paper, others, 2024) -
Helsesykepleiere sine erfaringer med å fremme psykisk helse hos barn og unge i skolehelsetjenesten
(Student paper, others, 2024) -
Fast Fashion og forbrukerbevissthet i moteverdenen
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Selvpsykologisk tilnærming i møte med pasient med psykoselidelse
(Student paper, others, 2024) -
Hjemmekontor - en casestudie av administrativt ansatte ved NTNU
(Master thesis, 2024) -
En ledelsesteoretisk analyse av Hitlers innflytelse og makt
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Foreldrefokusert PAS
(Student paper, others, 2024) -
Helsesykepleiers erfaringer med oppfølging av overvekt hos barn i barneskolen
(Student paper, others, 2024) -
Gode tjenester og et godt arbeidsmiljø - to sider av samme sak (FAFO 2019:32)
(Student paper, others, 2024) -
Vernepleierens rolle i tilpasning av arbeidsmiljø for unge med psykiske utfordringer
(Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Fosen-samenes kamp mot statlig overmakt
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)