Viser treff 21-40 av 2722

    • An annotated checklist of the Norwegian Lonchaeidae (Diptera, Cyclorrhapha) with the description of a new species 

      MacGowan, Iain; Gustad, Jørn R. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The status of Lonchaeidae in Norway is reviewed and a Norwegian checklist is provided for the first time listing 40 species in six genera. Whenever possible the records for each species provide details of region code, ...
    • Hva kreves for å stryke sykepleierstudenter i praksis som ikke har oppnådd nødvendig læringsutbytte? : en kvalitativ studie 

      Malones, Bente Dale; Bergum, Inger Elisabeth; Inderhaug, Hans Gunder; Heggdal, Wenche Mongstad; Eines, Trude Fløystad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Mange sykepleiestudenter består kliniske praksisstudier selv om de ikke har oppnådd forventet læringsutbytte. Hensikten med denne studien var å belyse hvilke grunner praksisveiledere beskriver for å stryke sykepleiestudenter ...
    • On-demand logistics : solutions, barriers, and enablers 

      Lozzi, Giacomo; Iannaccone, Gabriele; Maltese, Ila; Gatta, Valerio; Marcucci, Edoardo; Lozzi, Riccardo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The urban freight sector provides an essential service by delivering goods that are required by shops, companies, and households at a specific place and time. However, the growth of e-commerce and the dawn of on-demand ...
    • Towards sustainable production in industrial clusters 

      Klymenko, Olena; Halse, Lise Lillebrygfjeld (Chapter, 2022)
      To deal with the challenges of global warming and the loss of biodiversity, industrial companies must respond to stakeholder pressure for producing and delivering their products in a more sustainable way. This can be ...
    • Humanizing intensive care : a scoping review (HumanIC) 

      Kvande, Monica Evelyn; Angel, Sanne; Højager Nielsen, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Significant scientific and technological advances in intensive care have been made. However, patients in the intensive care unit may experience discomfort, loss of control, and surreal experiences. This has generated ...
    • Nationalistic bias among internationalexperts : evidence from professional skijumping 

      Krumer, Alex; Otto, Felix; Pawlowski, Tim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Ski jumping competitions involve subjective evaluations by judges from different countries. This may lead to nationalistic bias, according to which judges assign higher scores to their compatriots. To test this claim ...
    • Sykehjemslegers erfaringer med covid-19 : en kvalitativ intervjustudie 

      Julnes, Signe Gunn; Lichtwarck, Bjørn; Eriksen, Siren; Hillestad, Adelheid Hummelvoll; Nilsen, Anita; Tretteteig, Signe; Rokstad, Anne Marie Mork (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Beboere med covid-19-sykdom på norske sykehjem hadde høy risiko for alvorlig forløp og død. Hensikten med denne studien var å utforske sykehjemslegers erfaringer med å ivareta behandlingsansvaret for beboere med covid-19 ...
    • Nurse leaders' experiences of professional responsibility towards developing nursing competence in general wards : a qualitative study 

      Julnes, Signe Gunn; Myrvang, Tove; Reitan, Laila Solli; Rønning, Gry; Vatne, Solfrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Aim: To explore nurse leaders' experiences of professional responsibility to facilitate nursing competence in general wards. Background: Nurse leaders are responsible for maintaining high levels of competence among nurses ...
    • Deep learning-based defect prediction for mobile applications 

      Jorayeva, Manzura; Akbulut, Akhan; Catal, Cagatay; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Smartphones have enabled the widespread use of mobile applications. However, there are unrecognized defects of mobile applications that can affect businesses due to a negative user experience. To avoid this, the defects ...
    • Machine learning-based software defect prediction for mobile applications : a systematic literature review 

      Jorayeva, Manzura; Akbulut, Akhan; Catal, Cagatay; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Software defect prediction studies aim to predict defect-prone components before the testing stage of the software development process. The main benefit of these prediction models is that more testing resources can be ...
    • Deep Learning-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) : applications for medical image datasets 

      Kadhim, Yezi Ali; Kahn, Muhammad Umer; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has proved to be an effective and accurate method for diagnostic prediction over the years. This article focuses on the development of an automated CAD system with the intent to perform ...
    • Dairy farm management information systems 

      Kassahun, Ayalew; Bloo, Robbin; Catal, Cagatay; Mishra, Alok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Nowadays, different types of farm management information systems (FMIS) are being used in practice in several sectors of farming, such as dairy, arable, fruits, vegetables, and meat farming. The goal of this research is ...
    • The value of integrated planning for production, inventory, and routing decisions : a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Hrabec, Dušan; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Hoff, Arild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper presents a comparison of sequential and integrated planning for the production routing problem, in which production, inventory, and routing decisions must be made. The aim is to estimate the expected value of ...
    • Challenges of delivering TOD in low-density contexts : the Swedish experience of barriers and enablers 

      Hrelja, Robert; Olsson, Lina; Pettersson-Löfstedt, Fredrik; Rye, Tom (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is key to the success of public transport and for sustainable urban and regional development. Previous research has often focused on delivering TOD in urban areas with high ...
    • Adjusting the order crossover operator for capacitated vehicle routing problems 

      Hvattum, Lars Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The capacitated vehicle routing problem is a much studied combinatorial optimization problem, reflecting its practical importance within areas such as logistics. The problem is computationally intractable, and heuristics ...
    • Kommunelegens rolle under koronapandemien : en kvalitativ studie 

      Hungnes, Tonje; Vik, Erlend; Veddeng, Odd Jarle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      BAKGRUNN: Vi studerte kommunelegens rolle under pandemien for å få økt kunnskap om hvilken rolle de hadde i den kommunale kriseledelsen. MATERIALE OG METODE: 14 semistrukturerte intervju ble gjennomført med sentrale deltakere ...
    • A heuristic for finding cheating in chess 

      Haugen, Kjetil K.; Heen, Knut Peder; Smerdon, David C.; Nilssen, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article argues by casual empirics that a low draw percent in chess may work as a simplified cheating indicator. Data from a large number of historical chess games (53331) indicate that this extremely simple heuristic ...
    • "Helt som normalt" : foreldresamarbeid i barnehagen når en forelder er alvorlig syk av en dødelig sykdom 

      Hogstad, Ingrid Johnsen; Røkholt, Eline Grelland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      I denne artikkelen retter vi oppmerksomhet mot foreldresamarbeid i barnehagen ved alvorlig, livstruende sykdom hos en forelder. Vi retter dermed oppmerksomhet mot omsorg som en grunnleggende del av barnehagens innhold, og ...
    • Å treffe en bevegelig blink : om bærekraftig skogforvaltning i 100 år 

      Hofstad, Ole; Soltani, Arezoo (Chapter, 2022)
      Formålet er å vise hvordan oppfatninga av begrepet bærekraft har utviklet seg i norsk skogforvaltning de siste 100 år. I lang tid etter den første lands-skogtakseringa i 1919 var profesjonell skogforvaltning i Norge ...
    • Den kvalitative psykologiens kraft til å forstyrre fenomenene 

      Hogstad, Ingrid Johnsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Psykologisk forskning på mennesket tilbyr selvforståelser som kan fungere selvoppfyllende og dermed være med å (re)produsere de psykologiske fenomenene vi forsker på. Kunnskapsproduksjonen har helt reelle konsekvenser for ...