Bokkapitler skrevet av høgskolens ansatte
Recent Submissions
Towards sustainable production in industrial clusters
(Chapter, 2022)To deal with the challenges of global warming and the loss of biodiversity, industrial companies must respond to stakeholder pressure for producing and delivering their products in a more sustainable way. This can be ... -
Å treffe en bevegelig blink : om bærekraftig skogforvaltning i 100 år
(Chapter, 2022)Formålet er å vise hvordan oppfatninga av begrepet bærekraft har utviklet seg i norsk skogforvaltning de siste 100 år. I lang tid etter den første lands-skogtakseringa i 1919 var profesjonell skogforvaltning i Norge ... -
Det vanskelige bærekraftsbegrepet
(Chapter, 2022) -
Bærekraft og backshoring – teoretiske refleksjoner
(Chapter, 2022)Over flere tiår har norsk produksjon blitt flyttet fra høykostland til lavkostland, såkalt offshoring. I de senere år har vi imidlertid sett en økende oppmerksomhet rundt det å flytte produksjon tilbake til opprinnelseslandet, ... -
Forutsetninger for en bærekraftig profesjonell hjelperrolle
(Chapter, 2022)Vår tids trusler mot bærekraftig utvikling bunner i et problematisk samspill mellom sosiale, økonomiske og miljømessige forhold og manglende helhetstenkning både i et generasjonsperspektiv og i et globalt perspektiv. I ... -
Reindeer herders in arctic supply ecosystems : searching for the harmony between value-creation and value-capture
(Chapter, 2023)This study examines the relationship between value-creation and value-capture in supply chain management (SCM) practices in Arctic extreme environments. Of particular interest is how these practices have been continuously ... -
Social responsiveness within the Russian arctic supply chains : evidence from isolated communities through the anthropological view
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter focuses on social responsiveness initiatives in supply chain management (SCM) and explores how local residents in the isolated northern settlements of the White Sea respond to social needs and develop socially ... -
Paving the way for social sustainability in arctic supply chain operations : a novel research agenda
(Chapter, 2023)The extant corpus of research on supply chain sustainability in the Arctic exhibits a conspicuous neglect of the social dimension, rendering it the most underprivileged among the three pillars of sustainability (Ahi and ... -
Carbon capture, transport and storage projects in Norwegian seabed : sustainable implications and challenges of new green technologies rooted in the past
(Chapter, 2023)The accumulation of greenhouse gases, more specifically carbon emissions, in the environment has resulted in severe health issues and climate change. Great efforts are being made to minimize the adverse effects of CO2 by ... -
Reflections on lessons learned and future directions : a succinct epilogue
(Chapter, 2023)Upon completing this exploration journey through the pages of this book, we are left with a profound realization of the immense work that still needs to be undertaken to address the critical role of supply chain management ... -
Work interruption as a source of knowledge when nurses administer medicines in nursing homes : hermeneutic approach to narratives
(Chapter, 2022)Nurses administer medicines amidst constant interruptions. They must simultaneously perform other tasks, such as direct patient care or addressing system failures. However, there is a lack of research relating to nurses’ ... -
Interprofessional collaboration concerning persons in transition between mental health and criminal justice services : PINCOM used as a framework for HCR-20V3 assessment
(Chapter, 2021)This chapter provides a novel framework for risk assessment and management by combining the Perception of Interprofessional Collaboration Model (PINCOM) and Historical-Clinical-Risk Management-20, Version 3 (HCR-20V3). ... -
Digital technologies within the supply chain management curriculum : an experiential learning approach to understanding knowledge co-creation (an essay)
(Chapter, 2021)This study explores how knowledge co-creation in the learning process is affected and facilitated by digital technologies, in particular 3D printing and RFID reading. A qualitative single-case study presents the learning ... -
Tilbake til stedet – steder, klynger og regional utvikling
(Chapter, 2021)Denne artikkelen tar for seg den viktige rollen som steder og deres generiske ressurser har hatt for fremveksten og utvikling av klynger, som klyngelitteraturen hittil i liten grad har adressert. Vi tar utgangspunkt i ... -
Jentebevisst byplanlegging – aktivitet, inkludering og trygghet i byrommet
(Chapter, 2021)Formålet med dette kapittelet er å diskutere unge jenters forutsetninger for aktivitet og trygghet i byrommet. Studier av uorganisert fysisk aktivitet og aktivitetsparker i byrom indikerer at disse i størst grad anvendes ... -
Experiences with lecture capture : how is learning affected?
(Chapter, 2021)Many institutions have considered recording lectures, often referred to as lecture capture, as a response to the call for increased digitalization in higher education. The literature review in this chapter shows mixed ... -
Exploring tourists’ experiences using digital resources : analyzing Chinese tourists visiting the Geiranger fjord using travel blogs
(Chapter, 2020)This paper explores the experiences of Chinese tourists who visit the Geiranger fjord by using 196 blog posts of tourist’s description of their experience. Our analysis shows that 92 percent of the blog posts portray ... -
Designing interfaces for creative learning environments using the Transreality Storyboarding Framework
(Chapter, 2020)Modern creatives, producing different media within multiple mediums, could benefit from transmedia-based methodologies that ensure core standards in effective interface design and storyboarding adopted in the production ... -
Digitalisering og regional kunnskapsutvikling
(Chapter, 2020)De siste årene har vi sett en økende interesse for de økonomiske og organisatoriske implikasjonene av digitalisering. Med utgangspunkt i klyngeteori og teori om kunnskap identifiserer vi manglende forskning om hvordan ... -
Forelesningen minutt for minutt – et essay om filmede forelesninger
(Chapter, 2020)Filmopptak av forelesninger har av mange institusjoner blitt sett på som et tiltak som svar på etterspørsel etter digitalisering i høyere utdanning, og som et virkemiddel til å gjøre studenters studiehverdag mer fleksibel. ...