Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 436
"Med mobilen i lomma" : pårørendes erfaringer når en av deres nære dør
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)I dag og i årene fremover har helsevesenet store omsorgsutfordringer knyttet til økningen av antall eldre i befolkningen. En stor andel eldre avslutter livet i sykehjem, og de fleste har pårørende hos seg i tiden rundt ... -
Modelling day-ahead Nord Pool forward-price volatility: realized rolatility versus GARCH models
(Journal article, 2011)The argument that better volatility estimates can be obtained by using standard time-series techniques on non-parametric volatility measures constructed from high- frequency intradaily returns has been prevalent over the ... -
Interaction with potential donors’ families : the professionals’ community of concern - a phenomenological study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)The aim of this paper was to explore the health professionals’ experiences and gain a deeper understanding of interaction with families of critically ill or traumatized patients with severe brain injuries. The methodological ... -
Covariance estimation using high-frequency data : an analysis of Nord Pool electricity forward data
(Journal article, 2012)The modeling of volatility and correlation is important in order to calculate hedge ratios, value at risk estimates, CAPM betas, derivate pricing and risk management in general. Recent access to intra-daily high-frequency ... -
Socio-Economic Optimal Pricing of Railroad Infrastructure (SOPJI). Mathematical Model Formulation and Implementation
(SINTEF Rapport, Research report, 2014) -
Service users’ experiences and views of aggressive situations in mental health care: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Background: Aggressive situations occurring within mental health services can harm service users, staff, and the therapeutic environment. There is a consensus that the aggression phenomenon is multidimensional, but the ... -
Using social innovation as a theoretical framework to guide future thinking on facilitating collaboration between mental health and criminal justice services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Offender mental health is a major societal challenge. Improved collaboration between mental health and criminal justice services is required to address this challenge. This article explores social innovation as a conceptual ... -
On the Estimation of Extreme Values for Risk Assessment and Management: The ACER Method
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)In this paper we use an Average Conditional Exceedance Rate (ACER) method to model the tail of the price change distribution of daily spot prices in the Nordic electricity market, Nord Pool Spot. We use an AR-GARCH model ... -
Core competences : a mixed methods study of biomedical laboratory scientists in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Background: This study describes how a sample of Norwegian biomedical laboratory scientists perceive their profession's core competences. Method: An explorative sequential mixed method was conducted based on two rounds of ... -
Safeguarding export and import transactions through relationships and networking
(Journal article, 2016)This paper provides insight into some notable factors in safeguarding business transactions. Firms in the Sunnmøre region of Norway use a variety of governance forms to secure and safeguard international business transactions. ... -
Expanding the unit of analysis from firms to supply networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Purpose: There is strong interest in new supply chain management (SCM) constructs as contemporary academic writers call for more theory and more multidisciplinary research. There is, however, little guidance on how to ... -
Lederen som innovatør og balansekunstner : en kvalitativ studie av lederes erfaringer fra forskningssamarbeid mellom helse- og velferdstjenestene og høyere utdanning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The manager as innovator and equilibrist: a qualitative study of the experiences of Norwegian managers in health and welfare service taking part in research partnership with higher education -
Helhetlige pasientforløp – gjennomføring i primærhelsetjenesten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Et av hovedmålene i samhandlingsreformen har vært at kommuner i samarbeid med sykehus skal kunne tilby helhetlige og integrerte tjenester før og etter sykehusopphold, basert på sammenhengende pasientforløp. Kommuner og ... -
Vessel Fleet Optimization for Maintenance Operations at Offshore Wind Farms under Uncertainty
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)In this paper we consider the problem of determining the optimal fleet size and mix of vessels to support maintenance activities at offshore wind farms. A two-stage stochastic programming model is proposed where uncertainty ... -
Combined emergency preparedness and operations for safe personnel transport to offshore locations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Long distances, sparse infrastructure, and adverse environmental conditions make the offshore emergency preparedness system in the High North a big and yet unsolved challenge. This applies in particular to the personnel ... -
How planners' use and non-use of expert knowledge affect the goal achievement potential of plans : Experiences from strategic land-use and transport planning processes in three Scandinavian cities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This article addresses the question of how planners’ use and non-use of expert knowledge affect the content and goal achievement potential of plans, and discusses how changes in planners’ and researchers’ practices can ... -
Application of queuing methodology to analyze congestion : a case study of the Manila International Container Terminal, Philippines
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)The objective of this paper is to apply queuing methodology in order to analyze congestion at the Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) in the Port of Manila, the Philippines. The vessels calling at the MICT have ... -
Social interaction and price transmission in multi-tier food supply chains
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)This research focuses on social interaction associated with price transmission in a multi-tier rice supply chain. A case study and qualitative methods are employed to examine a well-established supply network in Karawang ... -
Adolescents’ subjective views about interprofessional team participation : a Q methodological study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Background: One common arrangement in the Norwegian child welfare system is the interprofessional collaborating team, not unlike the English core group. This team is often referred to as the ‘responsible team’ (RT) and is ...